Monday, May 28, 2018

Do you have a animal spirit?

I thought I would take a moment to discuss Animal Totems or Animal spirit guides. Many cultures have folk lore or stories of animals and what they represent to us when one steps into our lives. My heritage is that of the Celts and Native American. I have always had a connection with animals. When I was young I wanted to be Dr Dolittle because he too could speak to animals. 

Ted Andrews spoke of the native americans not having a word in their language for "animal" they simply referred to them as sisters, brothers, fathers or mothers. The word animal was hardly used before the 1600's. They were called beast or creatures. The word "animal" comes from the Latin word "anima" meaning soul or breath of life.

This past week I have had the honor to be greeted by the Black Crown Night Heron on several occasions. Heron's are "waders" the others in their family are Egrets and Bitterns. Their home is marshlands and shallow water. So for me to see one in the middle of the desert is incredible and a testament to their adversity to adjust. When the Heron feeds it stands completely still in the water, connecting to the earth, reflecting in the water and exploring different activities. 

If the Heron presents itself to you listen. They are showing you to be the "jack of all trades" To follow your own path. The path of the Heron is not structured but has the ability to do a variety of things and do it well. They just inherently have a knowing . They do not need a lot of people in their life and do not need to keep up with the rest of everyone else. This beauty is able to maneuver through life and control its life circumstances. They have innate wisdom and a path of self-determination.

So if Heron steps into your life, pay attention to what it is you need to look at in yourself, what is your current situation and how can you change it.
For more information on Spirit Animals you can refer to " Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews.

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